Monday, January 29, 2007

You have to start somewhere...

I've tried. Yes I've tried. But the web site just won't do it for me (see The provider* say's its an intuitive interface for self administration. For me its the Great Wall of China and I'm a Mongol infant futiley challenging the rocks. Both are impenetrable. I've had a website since 2003 and although it says I'm a devotee of visualisation, there are VERY few pics.

So here I am blogging, because I can't maintain my own site without frustrating the heck out of myself.

I understand there is a technical name for that blankness we get about a person's name - nominal aphasia, if I recall correctly.

Well I'm waiting for someone to give a name to my particular form of web based paralysis, so that I can get sympathy, not just suspicion that I'm an idiot....

*(I do have to appologise to my web builder - he's very sucessful, and has plenty of evidence from others with more malleable minds that his interface is actually the right stuff. )

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